Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
10942-124 Street NW
AB T5M 0H5

Average rating: 8.6 out of 10 based on 1250 ratings.

What our clients think of us!

The following comments were submitted by our customers when asked to provide feedback on our service. In the interest of transparency, we present these comments as provided except that personally identifiable information has been hidden unless the reviewer has requested their full name be included with the review. No unfavorable comments have been removed.

Report a concern   October 6, 2022 — Rated 8 out of 10 by R.W. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

My husband really liked the caregiver but not everyone can afford to have one. I think your
rates are reasonable but I know many people who would find the cost prohibitive.

Report a concern   October 6, 2022 — Rated 8 out of 10 by D.P. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

You got workers in a few days

Report a concern   September 24, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by S.C. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Good customer service. Easy to get connected fast in problem solving.

Report a concern   September 20, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by J.D. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

The quality of care and the detailed assessment.

Report a concern   September 19, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by P.O. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Your team are very caring

Report a concern   September 19, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by M.W. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

NN is always accommodating and wonderful to deal with. All the HCAs and LPNs are up to date, willing and we love having them at our community ☺️

Report a concern   September 18, 2022 — Rated 6 out of 10 by L.R. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

There have been days when people don’t show up, or are late Since I’m unable to get mobile until someone shows up, it is very inconvenient

I would like to mention that Edilyn and Ana are the best caregivers I have. They are hard workers, but also very friendly and caring. They have become friends as well as my care givers.
If I was scoring on just them, you would have got a 10

Report a concern   September 18, 2022 — Rated 9 out of 10 by C.J.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

i am happy with the people you have sent me

Report a concern   September 16, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by K.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Great caregiver Emma Clarke

Report a concern   September 14, 2022 — Rated 8 out of 10 by W.H. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

We have had several different HCA and to travel from Edmonton to Marwayne seems kind of ridiculous.

Report a concern   September 14, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by B.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Very courteous. Efficient. Great people to work with.

Report a concern   September 14, 2022 — Rated 2 out of 10 by R.Q. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Because you don't seem to care about what I want instead you guys listen to people that have nothing to do with my account with nurse next door such as just recently when I wanted my old nurse to come back after her maturity leave I called you guys and instead of listening to what I wanted you just did what other people told you to do and that's not right perhaps I should be getting Care24 to come help me what do you think of that I would really like a response to thus matter

Report a concern   September 9, 2022 — Rated 5 out of 10 by A.Z. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

I put ion a request for two appointments to be scheduled. Was assured that they would be and then after a week I had heard nothing so I checked back in and the person had completely forgotten about them! At this point it was too late to get anyone they said. So I was forced to find another service which I did.

Report a concern   September 9, 2022 — Rated 0 out of 10 by W.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?


Reasons: short notice cancellations within 30 minutes of the start time.

Not engaging in conversations with the person they are to be care giving with.

Not engaging in activities with the person.

Very disappointed. So much I have informed my acquaintances to never hire Nurse Next Door.

I hired nurse next door to relieve stress and gave respite. The company caused more stress in my life due to their inability to be reliable.

Report a concern   September 2, 2022 — Rated 7 out of 10 by B.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

I did not like that I had to interact with different caregivers. Some were great others were just OK. Also I think you need to have a smaller time frame than 3 hours minimum.

Report a concern   September 2, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by J.W. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Well Joan our care give is an absolutely the best .

Report a concern   September 2, 2022 — Rated 0 out of 10 by H.L. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

The aides have no training and no useable skills. They aren’t open to learning the skills.

Report a concern   September 2, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by L.F. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

I'm very happy with the regular care I receive from my team.

Report a concern   September 2, 2022 — Rated 9 out of 10 by M.D. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

very dependable

Report a concern   September 2, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by E.G. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Thé excellent caregivers that are a compatible match with our mother’s needs.
Enthusiastic, caring, attentive, hygiene, positive personalities.

Report a concern   August 29, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by M.A. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

As an out of town client that travels to an area where they provide service it’s starts with the on call staff getting back to me in a timely manner securing both the nursing availability I need and the time requested. The nurses I have had are always punctual, provide exceptional service in a compassionate manner and are never in a rush.

Report a concern   August 16, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by P.O. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Caring for patients

Report a concern   August 9, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by R.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Peta, is a phenomenal home-care nurse. Her knowledge, as well as dedication to ensure she does her best is relieving, to say the least. Having her as my nurse has been a welcomed and thankful experience due to my personal injury, complications. and ongoing need for care. Thankful I can receive such a knowledgeable person with a care factor beyond expected, to ensure my healing is of the utmost important and properly done.

First name removed Stang

Report a concern   July 22, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by T.B. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

tammy been awsome she great worker and very caring i always look forward to her company.going to miss her when the day comes . your company been very helpful and so good when comes to the schedule with tammy.

thank you for everything

Report a concern   July 21, 2022 — Rated 7 out of 10 by A.R. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

We had one excellent care provider and one less than adequate. Also, on the neg side, we were told we needed to provide a box of masks and a box of gloves at the front entry for the care person. Both care people had their own masks and gloves so we bought those for nothing. The administration was good. They were able to provide the requested care providers within 72 hours.

Report a concern   July 16, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by R.M. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

We absolutely adore our respite worker.

Report a concern   July 16, 2022 — Rated 9 out of 10 by J.L. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Very seldom give a 20

Report a concern   July 12, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by C.J.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

iI gave you that score because of LeeAnne. She is amazing. She is honest, on time, and i feel secure because my balance is bad. She makes sure i am safe and does not leave my side. if i need to do an errand she comes with me. I drive and once again she makes sure i am safe when i leave the vehicle; she will make my breakfast. She is good to have around.

Report a concern   July 12, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by B.M. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Rachelle was very personal and made it easy to open our door to her. She went above and beyond to help us through our difficult time of recovery .

Report a concern   July 11, 2022 — Rated 10 out of 10 by O.U. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

The team works really hard to find a way to meet their client support needs. All are pleasant, right minded and, at the end of the day, deliver on key priorities.

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