Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
10942-124 Street NW
AB T5M 0H5

Average rating: 8.6 out of 10 based on 1250 ratings.

What our clients think of us!

The following comments were submitted by our customers when asked to provide feedback on our service. In the interest of transparency, we present these comments as provided except that personally identifiable information has been hidden unless the reviewer has requested their full name be included with the review. No unfavorable comments have been removed.

Report a concern   February 12, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by M.L. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Efficient and friendly

Report a concern   February 10, 2024 — Rated 9 out of 10 by M.J. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Although we had a rough start to contacting Nurse next door due to stay changes, had heard good things through friends. So stuck through the on-boarding process and the caregiver that was found for my mom is amazing. My mom can’t stop talking about how she enjoys her company and has been amazing. I myself still have a few concerns with staff turnover in the office but Arnnie is making a very smooth transition. She is being very communicative and proactive. So thank you for that!

Report a concern   February 10, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by J.H. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?


Report a concern   February 8, 2024 — Rated 9 out of 10 by R.A.E.H. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

You have some of the best nurses in Edmonton

Report a concern   February 7, 2024 — Rated 8 out of 10 by F.R. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

excellent customer service and high level of accommodations to our needs

Report a concern   February 7, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by B.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

The client and the nurse become friends. There is a bond that is created.

Report a concern   February 2, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by M.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Fantastically wonderful staff

Report a concern   February 2, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by D.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

They have friendly staff that are very helpful and kind

Report a concern   February 2, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by K.C. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Professional and helpful nature of the nurse always providing positive attitude

Report a concern   February 1, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by J.H. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

I have an angel coming to my place every week. She is so pleasant and so very helpful. All good for my nurse next door!

Report a concern   February 1, 2024 — Rated 9 out of 10 by K.F. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?


Report a concern   January 31, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by A.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

We are very satisfied about the services we received for our child.

Report a concern   January 31, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by V.H. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Timely, responsive, efficient and the agency sent two very competent, kind and compassionate caregivers.

Report a concern   January 31, 2024 — Rated 9 out of 10 by R.W. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

The caregivers were always very caring and competent.

Report a concern   January 31, 2024 — Rated 2 out of 10 by E.D. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Your business model and service delivery is based on third-party Nurse contractors, who are cavalier in their attitudes and service delivery responsibilities toward your customers. This statement is amply demonstrated by the volume of last minute meeting cancellations by NNS, and high turn-over rate in your Nursing ranks.

Report a concern   January 30, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by D.B. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Has always been consistent in providing excellent customer service. Chiara has been our care provider for almost 5 years now. She is the sweetest and naturally very caring. Rhiannon always checks in to ensure that everything is working out well. The staff always acknowledge my email, requests and respond in a timely manner.

Report a concern   January 28, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by M.D. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Reliable support for my parents allowing them to stay in their own home.

Report a concern   January 24, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by M.M. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Jocelyn is amazing.

Report a concern   January 13, 2024 — Rated 7 out of 10 by B.H. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Don't know you yet

Report a concern   January 7, 2024 — Rated 4 out of 10 by M.C. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Because this service was urgent and emergent I was not able to have much in the way of continuity of care. Some of the providers were better than others On later research I found the rates and special conditions (Covid Care) were much higher than other agencies. Your agency was highly recommended and as I was very ill I went with the recommendation my friend made. I was especially unhappy with your agency's view on protection for your staff. I am also receiving care through another agency contracted out through Home Care with Alberta Health Services. As I didn't know at the time I could have privately paid to increase my care care through them. I was ill and did not have the time or energy to research this option. The staff at the other agency always came with proper PPE, and in conversation with the agency their rates were considerably lower than yours and they would not have charged an addition amount when I was Covid positive. I was also very unhappy that many of the concerns that were brought forward to your office were not addressed. Many times I received different information from different information from the different office staff. I do acknowledge that the care was over the Christmas holidays which made things more difficult. The online application was very user unfriendly. I am still scheduled to have an appointment for transportation to a medical appointment, but will be looking into other options for this. Based on this experience I am unable to give a higher rating.

Report a concern   January 7, 2024 — Rated 10 out of 10 by J.F. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Quick response to our short notice care needs, well informed and capable and compassionate caregivers.

Report a concern   December 23, 2023 — Rated 8 out of 10 by D.C.P. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Not every one would be able to afford the rates other than that you have a good service.

Report a concern   December 16, 2023 — Rated 8 out of 10 by R.W. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

The health care aids are heplful and conscientious and caring.

Report a concern   December 4, 2023 — Rated 8 out of 10 by R.M. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

The care seems good. Inability to fill schedule, one nurse has no vehicle so we have to transport her back and forth to hotel.

Report a concern   December 1, 2023 — Rated 10 out of 10 by K.F. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

The nurses were very good

Report a concern   November 27, 2023 — Rated 5 out of 10 by S.K. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Our care giver has been with us for a year and still has no benefits or any pay increases. I'm the the Big Corps. can spare a small bit of change from their pockets to make life more comfortable for their employees.

Report a concern   November 18, 2023 — Rated 6 out of 10 by S.R. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

The Cost.

Report a concern   November 16, 2023 — Rated 10 out of 10 by S.C. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Great customer service

Report a concern   November 15, 2023 — Rated 10 out of 10 by M.L. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?


Report a concern   November 13, 2023 — Rated 10 out of 10 by B.S. Nurse Next Door Edmonton SW
What was the biggest reason for giving us this score?

Always there. Great service

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