Zerorez Boise
2807 South Cole Road
ID 83709
United States
  • Phone: 208-383-1000

Average rating: 9.4 out of 10 based on 10863 ratings.

What our clients think of us!

The following comments were submitted by our customers when asked to provide feedback on our service. In the interest of transparency, we present these comments as provided except that personally identifiable information has been hidden unless the reviewer has requested their full name be included with the review. No unfavorable comments have been removed.

Report a concern   June 22, 2012 — Rated 10 out of 10 by A.C. Zerorez Boise
What do you like about our products and services?

No chemicals used our carpets look wonderful

Report a concern   June 21, 2012 — Rated 5 out of 10 by M.R. Zerorez Boise
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

Did a great job, but quoted over the phone the stairs would be done. When they arrived, the gentleman said the stairs would be extra. Felt like it was a big oversell of services. The original quote of 105.00 ended up being 398.00. Will decide if we are goihg to go forward with using them for our downstairs. Again, very happy with how the carpet came out.

Report a concern   June 20, 2012 — Rated 10 out of 10 by J.A.A.L. Zerorez Boise
What do you like about our products and services?

Dave did an excellent job we highly recommend. Very quick response and did a very detailed job. Thank you! Call them up and he will make your house as clean as mine today!!!

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