Mainstreet Organization of REALTORS
6655 Main St
Downers Grove
IL 60516
United States

Average rating: 8.8 out of 10 based on 19974 ratings.

What our members think of us!

The following comments were submitted by our customers when asked to provide feedback on our service. In the interest of transparency, we present these comments as provided except that personally identifiable information has been hidden unless the reviewer has requested their full name be included with the review. No unfavorable comments have been removed.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by A.L. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

The personnel are well trained and do all to provide help...

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 5 out of 10 by J.B. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

Correct the issues on the new contract, home warranty should say up to a certain amount dollar wise. And the mortgage dates section is unrealistic and put back where seller can get borrower loan.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by M.F. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Very helpful, friendly and prompt service.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 5 out of 10 by M.M. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

It is so difficult to get in touch with member services. Education is great, answers right away or calls back within a timely fashion. Member services rarely answers and calls back hours later. My issue was that sentri card broke. I had a spare, but on Saturday, when I needed to activate the spare, it had to be done by Mainstreet. Mainstreet is closed, so no activation, no shackle removals, unhappy clients, and I spent Monday fixing things. I called first thing Monday morning and my call back came late in the afternoon. If I had not called back and complained to the receptionist who was able to activate the card, I would have wasted all day Monday and had to explain to those clients why, on a workday, I was unable to get a timely return call for an emergency. Sentri services should be able to reactivate the card or Mainstreet should have a 7 day a week hotline for emergencies. Evenings and weekends is when we work. Our support systems should be available then. Having a sentri card is essential to our business. Ryan Hill boxes do not work with the app and you cannot remove boxes without the card.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by I.E. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?


Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 5 out of 10 by D.K. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

Always rude receptionist that transfers calls too quick and never listens. Very slow responses to voice mails because nobody answers their phones and very cluttered emails. I miss RANWC. I would switch to another board if dues timing were more coordinated.

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by J.S. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Efficient operation and timely answers to member questions / concerns.

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Kornell Lloyd Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

The support system is world class

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Lil Crosswhite Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

they return my call immediately

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by F.P. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Classes, friendly and prompt member services.

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Cary Guide Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?


Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by R.F. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

The professionalism, the classes offered & the informational updates.

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Cathleen Levatino-DeWitt Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Very professional and prompt!!! Thank you!

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 9 out of 10 by J.V. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?


Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Bobbie King Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

I always feel comfortable contacting the association for information. The response is always quick, accurate and given in a friendly way.

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 9 out of 10 by E.J. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Ijust joined so I need to get a bit more involved

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 4 out of 10 by B.F. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

I think your class room training video feed can be much improved. It is about the most depressing enviornment for learning.

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 0 out of 10 by C.T. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

dues to high did you ever think of closing some offices and getting read of some people we have a lot less realtors and do not need all the offices

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by D.W. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Education and training offerings, especially in skills improvement.

Report a concern   November 3, 2014 — Rated 8 out of 10 by F.K. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What could we do to improve?

Nothing I can think of now.

Report a concern   November 2, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Elissa Kozak Krown Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Tons of educational resources and technology!

Report a concern   November 2, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by R.W. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Opportunities for continuing education and frequent reminders about deadlines/requirements.

Report a concern   November 2, 2014 — Rated 6 out of 10 by J.R. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

Dues & Fees are too high.

Report a concern   November 2, 2014 — Rated 0 out of 10 by W.W. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

Too expensive for what you get. Lower your fees. Cut your overhead.

Report a concern   November 1, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Rose Hollis Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

I feel I can call Mainstreet as often as needed! I have great confidence that I will receive not only their positive attitude but continuously informative responses. It is ALWAYS a pleasure to work with them and know that the information they provide is complete and correct. The education department is more than wonderful, and the legal department is incredibly knowedgable and friendly. I cannot imagine a finer Board than the one I am proud to call my own!
Rose Hollis
Re/Max of Naperville

Report a concern   November 1, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Denise Danihel Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

The professionalism of the qualified individuals working at MORe

Report a concern   November 1, 2014 — Rated 8 out of 10 by R.F. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What could we do to improve?

Offer more no fee sessions.

Report a concern   November 1, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by A.D. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Always quick to answer any questions or issues I have about the Real Estate Business .

Report a concern   November 1, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by A.K. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Tutorial for me to learn more about the 6.0 contract.

Report a concern   November 1, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by S.B. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Very well organized and help/question response time is usually very quick!

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