We were thrilled when my 16 year old son looked up Mathnasium and found that one opened near us, just two weeks before we decided he needed help with Maths.
Unfortunately, he was too old to benefit for his A levels Maths but our 13 year old daughter still could.
Years ago, when we lived in California, both of our children used to go to Mathnasium (4 years for our son and 2 years for our daughter). They both loved it.
Our daughter would sprint inside to ensure she got to her favourite instructor first.
Mathnasium made a huge difference in their confidence and vastly improved grades in Maths. Their best friend also signed up and they all went together, three times a week.
Our son’s grades improved from failing his quizzes (he was getting from 0 to 10%) to more than 90%, within a couple of weeks. The fear of quizzes just melted away and something in his brain finally clicked and saw Maths as fun. Maths became his favourite subject and he even became the annoyong student who corrected the teacher, on several occasions.
And here in the UK, we heard of Mathnasium a few years ago but the closest one was too far.
Our daughter was initially reluctant go because Maths was now her least favourite subject at school even though she was getting extra help. She was not interested in doing more Maths, which was usually unpleasant. She even cried when she found out we booked an assessment. But after re-starting Mathnasium, since early December 2024, she enjoys going to Mathnasium, just as when she was 7 and 8 years old. We can see that her confidence is returning and Maths is a happy subject, once again.
The only regret we have is that Tunbridge Wells Mathnasium did not open sooner. Love Mathnasium and everything about it.
It is conveniently located, hassle free
and fun. It does exactly what it promises. Thanks, Mark & Mathnasium team👍