Mainstreet Organization of REALTORS
6655 Main St
Downers Grove
IL 60516
United States

Average rating: 9.5 out of 10 based on 960 ratings.

What our members think of us!

The following comments were submitted by our customers when asked to provide feedback on our service. In the interest of transparency, we present these comments as provided except that personally identifiable information has been hidden unless the reviewer has requested their full name be included with the review. No unfavorable comments have been removed.

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 7 out of 10 by D.B. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What could we do to improve?

Bring back one day codes

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 9 out of 10 by L.S. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?


Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by M.D. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Always call back with an answer willing to help

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by S.G. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

You always have an answer to my questions.

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 3 out of 10 by M.C. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

The topic never comes up. Not happy about the recent changes concerning fines!! I don't need more Big Brother!!

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by R.C. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

I always receive prompt service.

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by W.G. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

How responsive everyone is when I have a problem or question.

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by J.D. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Easy to work with

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 9 out of 10 by P.V.H. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Variety and easy to reach most of the time.

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 5 out of 10 by K.C. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

Very difficult to reach by phone and calls are not returned promptly or at all

Report a concern   November 5, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Daniel Grkovich Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

The staff is understanding and knowledgable concerning are real estate industry in our locale and try very hard to make sure that we as brokers are fully informed of all or any changes in our profession. The board is their to protect and too make us better.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 8 out of 10 by E.C. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What could we do to improve?

Lower the fees! Seriously every year they just going up, it is ridiculous!

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 6 out of 10 by A.M. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

The bill should be itemized and not one lump sump and then itemized after payment.
There should be only one director running the show (too much overhead).
The password for MLS is being changed too often and does not allow you to choose passwords from the past!? How many passwords do i have too remember !
We should be able too renew our cards at the box unlimited amount of times in the raw without doing it at the computer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right now we can only do it twice or three times.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by T.K. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Good website, education options

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 5 out of 10 by T.J. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

I work full time, there are not a lot of opportunities at the Tinley location for me to take in class designation courses or continuing education without taking the day off.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by A.V. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

I love all the information about classes, tech information, ease of use.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by B.C. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Run very Professionally. Answers pretty quick.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by G.B. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Freindly and Knowledgable.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by G.W. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Very comprehensive. Education training covers a broad range of topics. Staff is very friendly and responsive.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by D.C. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

The patient and time given to answer questions.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Don Barclay Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

service is prompt and courteous and efficient,

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 9 out of 10 by J.S. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

ease of business

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by L.D.G. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

always up to date on making my job easier

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Davis Offutt Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Professional, fast and courteous responses.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by Carolyn Duffy Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Our association is forward thinking and has pulled in so many helpful programs. We receive a lot of services for our very reasonable fees. Probably one of the benefits for working with such a huge organization.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by E.N. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Current information. Classes that are available. Quick responses.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 3 out of 10 by E.Z. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
How did we disappoint you and what can we do to make things right?

Customer service is moderate. Phones I never answered it always goes into voicemail. When a phone is answered the person on the other and always sounds like you're bothering them. They never smile when they talk to you. Immediate reaction is always to direct you to the website so they don't have to help you. They do not have a sense that we are their clients.

When dealing in customer service client relationships are first and foremost. Realtors are your clients. Personnel that answer the phones should treat
Realtors as their clients as opposed to treating them like they are an imposition

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by C.J. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

Helpful, Friendly and responsive in a timely manner.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by O.J. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

The availability of online access.

Report a concern   November 4, 2014 — Rated 10 out of 10 by A.L. Mainstreet Organization of Realtors®
What do you like about our association services?

The personnel are well trained and do all to provide help...

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